Psilocybin Services


Jeanette Small

in Bend, Oregon, USA

At Lucid Cradle, you will find a customized one-on-one supported experience at a beautiful and spacious residential-feeling center that includes the use of psilocybin (the “magic” in “magic mushrooms”). You will receive three or more days of individualized care with attention to your needs and desires (within legal and ethical guidelines). Whether you seek introspection, healing or inspiration from the experience, Jeanette will support your process with trauma-informed and culturally sensitive presence and nonjudgmental positive regard.

Jeanette Small earned her BA in Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), and completed her graduate work (MA, PhD) in Clinical Psychology with emphasis on Somatic Psychology at the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute (SBGI) before the institution was incorporated into the Chicago School of Professional Psychology in 2011. She has a breadth of clinical experience providing crisis response, counseling and psychotherapy to a variety of populations. Additionally, Jeanette is a professional artist with international exhibits and collectors.

Jeanette completed her training as a Psilocybin Facilitator at the Changa Institute and was licensed by the Oregon Health Authority in April 2023.

Jeanette is fluent in English, German and Russian.


Jeanette Small, PhD - Lucid Cradle

Living life as fully as possible is a sacred endeavor. Our whole minds, which consist of our whole corporal and energetic bodies, serve as witness to the magnificence of existence. Through our senses, we meet the world, interact with it, and produce a unique arrangement of frequencies – thoughts, feelings, creations. The interplay of bearing witness and creation is a divine reenactment of creation on a most foundational level. Disruptions in the sacred interplay of bearing witness authentically and showing up fully to be witnessed with acceptance cause suffering.

Psilocybin stirs the established patterns and creates opportunity for parts of ourselves that have fallen into the shadow to emerge and be loved. Health lives within effortless flow and authentic embrace of all that exists within us. Health is not about silencing undesirable aspects of ourselves, rather it is about integrating all of the paradoxical parts into the marvelously unique being that is your mind.

There are many reasons to seek a psilocybin experience. Sometimes, the pressure of having to maintain great achievements, the weight of responsibility, and the alienation of success can disconnect us from enjoying our lived experience. We can lose our purpose even in light of great accomplishments. When we encounter traumatic experiences, whether through common developmental struggles or severe transgressions against our boundaries, it becomes even easier to lose our unique strength and flexibility.

Jeanette Small - Lucid Cradle - Psilocybin Services

Psilocybin services are best for someone who is seeking access to their internal wisdom that has become inaccessible to them through traumatic and restraining life experiences. Psychedelic experiences are journeys, and a willingness to face the unknown within one’s psyche is an important part of honoring the experience. Connecting with one’s curiosity about the self and how one shows up in relationships with others and the world allows for a fruitful inquiry.

Whether you are struggling to come to terms with the pain caused by traumatic experiences or you are seeking to (re-)connect with your true purpose and discover joy in your experience of the human condition, psilocybin may be a marvelous tool to open the doors to a wealth of lived experience that exists outside of conscious awareness.

As adults, the roles and responsibilities we carry often silence or displace an authentic sensory experience that grounds us in life. Gradually, we become a limited version of ourselves, forgetting the simple pleasures and deep joys that may have brought ecstasy to our childhood selves. Accessing this part of the self is often derailed by a frustrating chase of tasks promising to lead us to the source of our internal healing.

The beauty of psilocybin assisted internal inquiry is that it is not guided by the rational mind. Psilocybin temporarily disrupts the rhythmic pattern the brain has established over a life time. Now the mind is confronted with the experience of sensory stimuli with far fewer preconceived frameworks. The freedom to perceive the world anew allows for psychological and spiritual material to emerge and become available for the rational mind’s curiosity and integration of more parts of the true self.

Jeanette Small - Lucid Cradle - Psilocybin Services

For many people, just one psilocybin journey can offer life altering insights and lasting transformations. Engaging in self-discovery with a powerful assistant (psilocybin) that lovingly silences the internal critic long enough to hear the wisdom of less vocal parts of ourselves is a tremendous therapeutic opportunity. Even if the journey turns out to be emotionally challenging, at times scary or sad, or disappointing of the expectations set up by the rational mind, visiting more of ourselves is a journey worth embarking upon.

Psychedelic therapy and spiritual practices utilizing psychedelics have been in existence in different formats all over the world for millennia. Legal prohibition has driven the healing psychedelic practices into an underground or counter-culture space. Fears of potentially dangerous consequences of seeking  therapeutic services from strangers utilizing unfamiliar substances and possibly being ill-equipped to handle psychological trauma that might emerge during a journey has restricted access to the marvelous healing potential psilocybin offers. Bringing this work into the light ushers unique therapeutic opportunity for people experiencing existential despair, disconnect from their authentic self and their potential for genuine joy through their sensory perceptions.


Going through life, we tend to encounter several pivotal moments of transition. Change can be difficult to adjust to, not only when the experience is traumatic, but also when great things happen to us. Our brains had grown accustomed to living a certain way and generate predictions about how the world will meet us, when suddenly our context changes and predictions must be adjusted. The more entrenched our habitual ways of showing up in the world, the more we resist flexibility.

When we feel scared, we act in fear and inadvertently elicit behavior from others that ends up justifying our fear at the start. Being socially anxious often leads to awkward social interactions which only exacerbates social anxiety symptoms.

Breaking that cycle can be exceptionally difficult. A corrective experience must be felt through the senses, not simply reasoned through the rational mind. Psilocybin can open an opportunity to reset the way we feel ourselves in the world, which can lead to deep self-healing.