LUCID CRADLE is Jeanette Small’s private practice centered on mental health, wellness and personal growth.

Whether you seek to rebuild your confidence, work through a difficult life transition and gain greater acceptance, nurture your creativity or more generally promote wellbeing in your daily life, therapeutic sessions using an integrative modality may offer you more tangible benefits than conventional psychotherapy. Psychiatric diagnoses often fail to provide relief of the suffering we experience. Identifying one’s existing strengths and current needs, paying attention to the body, spirit and mind, and adding tangible skills help create and maintain genuine human connections, experience the self with genuine appreciation and kindness, and reduce existential suffering and emotional pain.


With Lucid Cradle, one of the first licensed psilocybin service centers in Oregon, USA, I have established best practices in psilocybin-assisted therapy. My clinical insights result from mindful individual support for my clients, high-performing persons seeking to (re)discover their purpose and (re)ignite their creative energy, as well as people who struggle to cope with wounding stemming from devastating traumas. I have substantial clinical range having worked with people battling addiction, eating disorders, anger management challenges and anxieties impacting social functioning and relationship building and maintenance.

Jeanette Small - Deep Calibration Therapy


Individual & Group Counseling

Systematic observation of my clients’ therapeutic journeys, and careful evaluation of therapeutic outcomes over the years have lead to the development of a new therapeutic modality. Through my multi-faceted clinical work, I developed Deep Calibration Therapy, a modality that is informed by cognitive-behavioral therapy, neuroscience discoveries, depth psychology foundational assumptions, and various somatic psychology techniques. Art has supported my own psychological resilience in innumerable ways and plays a vital role in my psychotherapy approach. We usually have all the tools we need to thrive, but we sometimes need help calibrating our systems and focusing on what is most relevant right now.


2005 - BA in Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)

2010 - MA, PhD (ABD) in Clinical Psychology with emphasis on Somatic Psychology, Santa Barbara Graduate Institute (SBGI)

2023 - Psilocybin Facilitator certification, Changa Institute, licensed by the Oregon Health Authority in April 2023


Addictions, Families in crisis, Adolescents, Grief, End-of-Life distress, Existential Depression, Social Anxiety, PTSD, Eating Disorders, Creative Blocks, Spiritual Emergency


Since 2000 - Professional fine artist, international exhibits, SF MoMA, High Desert Museum, and others

2024 - wrote and published a book “In Lucid Color: Witnessing Psilocybin Journeys”


Jeanette Small, PhD - Lucid Cradle

Living life as fully as possible is a sacred endeavor. Our whole minds, which consist of our whole corporal and energetic bodies, serve as witness to the magnificence of existence. Through our senses, we meet the world, interact with it, and produce a unique arrangement of frequencies – thoughts, feelings, creations. The interplay of bearing witness and creation is a divine reenactment of creation on a most foundational level. Disruptions in the sacred interplay of bearing witness authentically and showing up fully to be witnessed with acceptance cause suffering.

Health lives within effortless flow and authentic embrace of all that exists within us. Health is not about silencing undesirable aspects of ourselves, rather it is about integrating all of the paradoxical parts into the marvelously unique being that is your mind. Sometimes, the pressure of having to maintain great achievements, the weight of responsibility, and the alienation of success can disconnect us from enjoying our lived experience. We can lose our purpose even in light of great accomplishments. When we encounter traumatic experiences, whether through common developmental struggles or severe transgressions against our boundaries, it becomes even easier to lose our unique strength and flexibility.

Jeanette Small - Lucid Cradle - Psilocybin Services

Psilocybin is a safe and intensive regression assistant.

Under the influence of psilocybin, it is easier to stir the established patterns and create opportunity for parts of ourselves that have fallen into the shadow to emerge and be loved.

While I work with many techniques to access the unconscious to achieve lasting changes, psychedelics can enhance this therapeutic work. Much like a hypnotic trance, psilocybin containing mushrooms, create a uniquely intensive therapeutic opportunity for deep changes that permeate through many facets of our lives.

Psilocybin services are best for someone who is seeking access to their internal wisdom that has become inaccessible to them through traumatic and restraining life experiences, and that have proven inaccessible through less intensive therapeutic efforts. Psychedelic experiences are journeys, and a willingness to face the unknown within one’s psyche is an important part of honoring the experience. Connecting with one’s curiosity about the self and how one shows up in relationships with others and the world allows for a fruitful inquiry.

Whether you are struggling to come to terms with a painful life or you are seeking your confidence and true purpose, I am happy to help you discover joy in the human condition. If seeking answers outside of your conscious awareness would benefit from a psychedelic-assisted intervention, I can support your journey into your unconscious mind with deep empathy and clinical skill.

As adults, the roles and responsibilities we carry often silence or displace an authentic sensory experience that grounds us in life. Gradually, we become a limited version of ourselves, forgetting the simple pleasures and deep joys that may have brought ecstasy to our childhood selves. Accessing this part of the self is often derailed by a frustrating chase of tasks promising to lead us to the source of our internal healing.

The beauty of psilocybin assisted internal inquiry is that it is not guided by the rational mind. Psilocybin temporarily disrupts the rhythmic pattern the brain has established over a life time. Now the mind is confronted with the experience of sensory stimuli with far fewer preconceived frameworks. The freedom to perceive the world anew allows for psychological and spiritual material to emerge and become available for the rational mind’s curiosity and integration of more parts of the true self.

Psilocybin Journeys can be a great personal growth experience - no traumatic past experiences required.

For many people, just one psilocybin journey can offer life altering insights and lasting transformations. Engaging in self-discovery with a powerful assistant (psilocybin) that lovingly silences the internal critic long enough to hear the wisdom of less vocal parts of ourselves is a tremendous opportunity for personal discovery and growth. Even if the journey turns out to be emotionally challenging, at times scary or sad, or disappointing of the expectations set up by the rational mind, visiting more of ourselves is a journey worth embarking upon.

When we feel insecure, we act in fear and inadvertently elicit behavior from others that ends up justifying our fear at the start. Being socially anxious often leads to awkward social interactions which only exacerbates social anxiety symptoms.

Breaking the cycle of self-doubt can be exceptionally difficult. A corrective experience must be felt through the senses, not simply reasoned through the rational mind. Deep Calibration Therapy (possibly with a psychedelic component) can open an opportunity to reset the way we feel ourselves in the world, which can lead to deep healing.